How To Import a Motorhome Into Australia

 You have to tick a lot of boxes for successfully importing motorhome to Australia. But out of many, here are some most important rules that you can’t afford to miss at any cost. 

Before you import a motorhome into Australia 

Issue a Vehicle Import Approval (VIA)

You must contact the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development before importing a motorhome to Australia. It's mandatory to issue a valid vehicle import approval (VIA) from the respective authority, whether the vehicle is disassembled or partly completed. Shipping a road vehicle without a VIA is an offense, and not following the rule can land you with a hefty penalty.

To apply for a VIA, you can visit the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. During the VIA process, you have to lodge an import declaration as well. The VIA charges comprise customs duty, luxury car tax (LCT), goods and services tax (GST), including other applicable charges.

Import of motorhome parts

You don't require a VIA to import 'parts' of a motorhome. However, an unassembled or dismantled motorhome doesn't classify as 'parts'. Even though you are importing an unassembled or incomplete motorhome, you must seek advice from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. For instance, if the motorhome assembly/component comes with an identification chassis number, or is intended to use on public roads, then you still require a VIA before importing it.  

Are your vehicles equipped with heavy electronics?

Road vehicles like campers, motorhomes, caravans often come equipped with air-conditioners and refrigeration systems. To complete the licensing and reporting requirements, you need to require a separate import license for Synthetic Greenhouse Gases (SGG) and Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). Also, check the type and the quantity of gas in your vehicle before applying for a license and excerption.

Importation of asbestos is banned in Australia.

You cannot import asbestos into Australia, whether it's for private or commercial use. When the cargo enters into Australian border, the Australian Border Force (ABF) will hold it for sampling and testing. You need to get an assurance certificate stating that your vehicle does not contain any asbestos. Failing to provide the required assurance to ABF will result in further delays.

Decontaminate your Vehicle

Kindly ensures the motorhome is clean and free of contamination before it arrives in Australia. Due to COVID 19, Australia has enhanced its biosecurity concerned. As a result, each vehicle is thoroughly checked (internally and externally) by Biosecurity officers from the department of agriculture and water resources. You have to notify the respective authority at the port of arrival for a vehicle inspection. You need to take care of some additional documentation for the process.

Customs duty, GST, LCT

You have to classify your imported vehicle Under the Customs Tariff Act 1995 by paying an import duty charge on the goods' customs value. GST is applied at 10 percent of the value of the taxable importation. However, if you are importing a motorhome to Australia for a disabled person, then GST will be exempted.

Meanwhile, LCT is imposed at 33 percent on the amount on luxury car tax and thresholds.

Special imports

If you are a tourist or temporary resident in Australia, you can temporarily import road vehicles into Australia. There are also certain conditions, meeting which will exempt you from paying any duty or taxes.

If your motorhome is returning to Australia, which has previously left on an Australian Carnet, then you don't need to obtain a VIA. However, make sure the vehicle is not modified, and you are bringing it back before the expiry date. 

You also do not need a VIA, if you are using the vehicle to visit members of a “visiting Force”, under the provisions of a SOFA.

In case you need an expert, contact Willship. They can help you with any kind of motorhome or car shipping to NZ from the USA under a low cost yet bespoke service. 


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